
Lots of new things come from the world of beauty and well-being. Among the latest trends we find microneedling (literally: micro perforation), an innovative aesthetic treatment designed to stimulate collagen production.

Rich in benefits, it is able to eliminate some skin blemishes such as wrinkles and blemishes. Microneedling has conquered and fascinated many women looking for the elixir of youth.

The reason for its success? Microneedling can reduce or eliminate the signs of aging and other skin blemishes such as acne scars, enlarged pores and skin pigmentation. Microneedling, what is it? All the curiosities about this treatment that can be applied all over the body: from the scalp to the ankles with the aim of improving the appearance of scars on the skin and promoting hair growth.
A trendy treatment

Microneedling is an aesthetic dermatological treatment that corrects blemishes and imperfections of the facial skin and beyond. Based on the repeated puncture of the skin with micro needles, it was born in 1995, and in recent years it has gained popularity thanks to new technologies and diffusion through platforms such as YouTube and Instagram, where it is the protagonist of many videos. Microneedling, star treatment Skin rejuvenation is very popular with celebrities who have recently learned to appreciate microneedling. Among the many supporters is also the model, entrepreneur and television personality Kim Kardashian, who boasts a practically perfect porcelain face. Only some time ago the American star posted an image on Instagram that depicted her with the marks left on her face by the micro-needles, immediately attracting interest from her followers. No pain, just a slight post-treatment redness.

Microneedling is mainly used on the face and can treat scars, wrinkles, stretch marks and enlarged pores, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. The treatment consists of making tiny punctures at the skin level through the use of devices equipped with very thin needles.

With the insertion of small needles, the skin undergoes a rejuvenation process. For each beauty session a particular device is used, the Dermapen! Repeated stings are similar to pins entering the surface of the epidermis, but do not be afraid of suffering at all.

These needles generate micro lesions capable of stimulating the reparative and regenerative processes of the dermis. Microneedling against wrinkles Microneedling as an immediate effect is able to plump the skin, making it more radiant, toned and full due to inflammation and very superficial swelling

Microneedling has proven effective in treating wrinkles, which has always been the biggest concern of all women, especially those that appear around the mouth and eyes over time. One study showed that after four microneedling treatments, skin thickness and elasticity improved to a greater extent than simply using a skin cream or serum.

In addition to generating new collagen, microneedling can help in the treatment of stretch marks, sagging skin, enlarged pores and reduced skin elasticity, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. According to a 2022 study, skin treated with four microneedling sessions spaced one month apart produced an increase of up to 400% in collagen and elastin six months after treatment was completed.

When done correctly, microneedling is a safe treatment. Side effects are generally limited to redness and some irritation, which may persist for a few days after the procedure. Unless otherwise medically indicated, microneedling is considered contraindicated for people with active acne, infected wounds, sunburn and for pregnant women.
